How to Choose the Perfect Sofa in 7 Easy Steps

Apartment Furniture

Nowadays, sofas come in all shapes and styles. From traditional models to minimalist models and love seats, there are dozens of options available. If you're wondering how to choose a sofa that will wow your guests and blend with your home's decor, follow these easy steps! 

When it comes to unwinding after a long, hard day there's nothing like flopping onto a comfortable sofa with your favorite drink.

But purchasing the right sofa is no easy feat. With so many sofa styles, fabrics, fills and colors, where do you begin?

Cost is also a major factor to consider- how do you know if you're truly getting your money's worth? There's nothing worse than buyer's remorse!

If you're looking for simple steps on how to choose a sofa to best suit your home and family, just keep on reading.

Simple Steps on How to Choose a Sofa

So you need to buy a sofa, but need a little help. More often than not, a sofa is a long-term investment, so making your decision can be tough.

But buying a sofa really doesn't need to be over-complicated. It all boils down to budget, comfort, and longevity.

If you can cover those three basics, you're on the right track to purchasing the perfect sofa for your home.

Follow these 7 simple steps and you'll be well on your way.

Step 1: Take Your Time To Decide

Making the investment in such a large, integral piece of furniture in your home is not a decision to be rushed.

Before you go sofa shopping make a list of all the important aspects you're looking for in your ideal sofa.

Additionally, make sure you have measured the space your new sofa is going to sit in. Double check sofa measurements against this as you go.

It's incredibly important to test drive sofas as you shop. Any reasonable salesperson will understand you wanting to sit or recline on a potentially new sofa.

Consult your list of important factors and check them off if you think you've found ''the one''.

Step 2: Put Different Styles to the Test

Nowadays you are truly spoiled for choice when it comes to style, shape, length, and depth of sofas.

Sofa styles abound and quite often it may feel a little overwhelming to know exactly what you want.

A great way to determine the sofa style you want is to test its practicality.

How do you prefer to sit on a sofa? Are you a tall or shorter person? Is your sofa for lounging or for a formal setting?

Important factors to consider include the height and depth of the sofa seats. If you are taller, a sofa with deeper seats is going to be far more comfortable.

If you struggle to move from a seated to standing position, a shallower sofa seat may make things easier.

Don't forget to test out the back of the sofa. Do you prefer a high or low back feel, rigid or soft?

These are some of the key qualities you should consider and then jot down on your list before sofa shopping.

Step 3: Put Comfort to the Test

The comfort of your sofa is determined by the sofa fill. Ask yourself, what kind of couch do you prefer to sit on?

Each person has their own opinion as to what's comfortable or not. Ultimately, it's your sofa and you should consider your own comfort over that of your guests.

When sofa shopping, do a test run on different sofa styles and their fillings. Take note of what you regard as more comfortable for the long-term.

Aside from the fill of the sofa, you'll also need to consider what kind of sofa cushions you prefer.

Ideally, sofa cushions should fit snugly and neatly within the sofa frame. Good quality cushions will retain most of their shape when pressed down.

If sofa cushions completely flatten and don't hold their shape, this could spell discomfort in the long run.

Step 4: Consider Your Home Environment and Sofa Fabric

This is a highly important factor to consider if you have children or you're the owner of a number of pets.

Throughout its lifetime a sofa can go through the ringer. That's why sofa fabric should be one of your most important deciding factors.

Aside from fabric practicality, you'll also want your sofa fabric to fit into the style of your home. Where's the sense in buying a dreary sofa just because it's practical?

Before sofa shopping, do a little homework on the best kind of fabrics suited to your home and lifestyle.

If you need a more robust, hardy fabric add that requirement to your list. Make sure to consult with a salesperson when in doubt about certain fabrics.

When testing out your sofa, take note of how the fabric reacts and feels. Does it wrinkle or stretch easily, does it feel too slick or too rough?

The quality and style of fabric determine the comfort of your sofa too, so keep that in mind.

Step 5: Consider Your Room's Color Scheme

This may seem like an obvious factor, but the color scheme of your room will ultimately determine the color of your new sofa.

Keep in mind that unusually colored sofas may be harder to clean, maintain and repair if ripped, burned or scuffed.

If your sofa is going into a family room, darker, more neutral tones are highly recommended as they tend to clean easier and hide stains better.

If you are looking at a sofa with patterns or texture, make sure it will not overwhelm the rest of the aesthetic of the room.

Step 6: Consider Sofa Practicality

Ultimately the style of your sofa will be determined by how practical you need it to be.

If you have a family who you aim to share your sofa with, a love seat or stand-alone sofa just wouldn't suit your needs.

A sectional, L-shape sofa is perfectly tailored to lounging and sharing with one person or more.

Do you eat dinners on your sofa, use it for watching television or will it be more of a formal show-piece?

Consider your new sofa's practical use and you'll be one step closer to buying the ideal piece of furniture.

Step 7: Double Check All Working Mechanisms

On the market today there all kinds of fancy sofas which offer multiple mechanisms for maximum comfort.

If you plan on purchasing a reclining sofa or sofa bed, make sure all its moving parts of working smoothly before making your decision.

These types of sofas are generally a little pricier, so it's important to do a thorough test run beforehand.

Don't be shy to test out these features while you're in-store. A salesperson will understand you're only trying to test your money's worth!

Looking For the Ideal Sofa?

Mid In Mod, based in Houston, Texas offers an incredible selection of mid-century, modern style furniture for all homes.

From quirky to traditional pieces and advice on how to choose a sofa, Mid In Mod offer assistance to all homeowners.

Shop their collection of sofas here.